Achievements of Mechanical Engineering Department
Academic Distinction / Awards won by the staff including PhD Scholars:
Mr.M.Udaya Kumar M. Tech (Ph.d):
♠ Participated in the AICTE sponsored Induction Training Programme on Instructional Design & Delivery from 06-03-2006 to 18-03-2006 at NITTTR, Hyderabad.
♠ Participated in the orientation course ?Value Education? from 03-12-2003 to 30-12-2003 at JNTU hyderabad
♠ Participated in the ?Learning and standards, the Challenges of Change? held on march 21st 2006 at IIET siddipet.
♠ Participated in the Two Week ISTE Work shop on Engineering Mechanics Workshop under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt of India Conducted by IIT-Bombay from 26-11-2013 to 06-12-2013 at IIET, Siddipet.
Research papers published in journals and presented in conference & seminars:
♠ Published ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer conference held 3rd to 5th january 2008 at JNTU Hyderabad.
Mr. S Pochaiah( Assoc. Professor, MECH. Depart.) Participated in 3-Day workshop on ?RAPID PROTOTYPING? in Osmania University on April 2010. Participated as a Coodinater One Week ISTE Work shop on Engineering Mechanics under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt of India Conducted by IIT-Bombay from 16-09-2013 to 20-09-2013 at IIT-Bombay. Conducted as a Coordinater, Two Week ISTE Work shop on Engineering Mechanics under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt of India Conducted by IIT-Bombay from 26-11-2013 to 06-12-2013 at IIET, Siddipet. &sapdes; Distinctions in Sports/Co-curricular activities and NSS achieved by Students.
♠ The II B.Tech Students have participated and won Cricket tournment conducted by SFI held at siddipet. The following III B.Tech Students are participated in NSS programme
♠ S. Venkatesh(11D31A0345)
♠ S.Rajashekar(11D31A0348
♠ MD. Kaleem Ahmed(11D31A0333)
♠ Satyam Shukla(11D31A0344)
♠ CH.Bharath(11D31A0310)
♠ Ch. Alekya(11D31A0312)
♠ D. Soujanya Devi(11D31A0313)
♠ P.Shiva Kumar(11D31A0338)
♠ Md. Nisaruddin(11D31A0334)