Department Info | CSE(Cyber Security) | Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology

CSE(Cyber Security) Department

Department Introduction
Chairman's Message INDUR iet
Head of the Department

Our 4-year B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cyber Security is dedicated to nurturing adept Cyber Security professionals equipped with both theoretical expertise and hands-on skills essential for safeguarding software and hardware systems. The curriculum emphasizes ethical security practices, aiming to cultivate a secure cyberspace while meeting the dynamic demands of the industry.

Through our B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security), students are prepared to tackle diverse cyber threats effectively. The program delves into both theoretical foundations and practical applications of cybersecurity, providing students with comprehensive insights into the field. Topics covered include:

  • Cyber Crime & Network Security
  • Data Structures
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Cryptography
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Moreover, the program extends beyond cybersecurity fundamentals to encompass broader engineering principles across various disciplines. Students are exposed to modern technologies such as IoT and Neural Networks, empowering them to secure frameworks and enterprise systems effectively.

By the culmination of the program, graduates emerge as proficient Cyber Security professionals, adept at navigating the complexities of today's technical landscape and safeguarding digital assets against emerging threats.

Department Faculty

Faculty of CSE(CS)